memorandum of understanding (MOU), also referred to as a memorandum of agreement (MOA), is developed between the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation and other government agencies, and describes or expresses a convergence of will between the parties, indicating an intended common line of action.


The general purpose of the MOU is to establish the responsibilities and obligations of each entity, establish a method of operation, and to encourage and facilitate cooperation and collaboration for the benefit of mutual consumers with disabilities served by OVR and its partner agencies.


Current Office of Vocational Rehabilitation MOUs:


pdfMOU between OVR and NMTech (228KB)

pdfMOU between OVR and CHCC (639KB)

pdfCNMI Public School System-Special Education (838KB)

pdfCNMI Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (560KB)

pdfCommonwealth Office of Transit Authority (495KB)

pdfMedicaid Department of Public Health 372KB)

pdfNorthern Marianas College (3MB)

pdfNorthern Marianas Housing Corporation-Family Self-Sufficiency Program Materials (499KB)

pdfOffice of the Mayor, Rota (999KB)